Technology and cameras

The best technology to optimise project management, streamline communications and showcase years of work.



Technology developed today. Designed for tomorrow.

By connecting teams, we believe that technology can help to solve the construction industrys biggest barriers. That's why we invest in the best. 



We have an entire department dedicated to new feature development and continuous product updates every day, so we can continue to offer cutting-edge tech.

The 8K Resolution Lobster Pot Camera



Technology Features

Camera Specification

Data Security


Lobster Vision

Technical Specification

256-Bit Encryption


4D BIM Integration

High Grade Lenses

Network Topology


Open API

Claw Control

Secure VPN


4G/5G Data Included

IP65 Rating

AWS Protected 


EU Servers


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The Lobster Pot - why it's different.

We designed the Lobster Pot because we couldn't find a time lapse camera with the quality we wanted for our clients. We've put a lot of time, research and investment in developing the technology to be the best solution available for the built environment – with great quality, flexibility, reliability and control. All we need is power - or for more remote locations we can provide a high-capacity solar unit.

As a service provider rather than a camera seller, we take responsibility for the 4G or 5G network connection: uptime is guaranteed, anywhere. We take security very seriously, so all our communications are transmitted over a secure VPN. Our private servers based in the EU mean that your data is in the safest of hands.




8K camera resolutions explained and when you might need one

The difference in 8K versus a 6K specification camera is measured in pixels, which make up the frame of an image.

6K is more than twice the resolution of 4K. 8K is more than four times the resolution of a 4K camera.


We especially recommend 8K resolution for:

  • Major projects over 20m+
  • Large-scale projects where the distance from the camera location is far away from the focal point
  • Projects that will be used in stakeholder presentations or on large screens
  • The ability to zoom into areas of site and still see in very fine detail - e.g identifying vehicles, 
  • Projects with Marketing value, which will be in circulation for years. 


8K: Short-term investment. Long-term Return.

We believe that 8K resolution is a short-term investment with real long-term gain, and high ROI. Technology advances at a very fast rate, and consumer expectations even faster. To put this into perspective, it was just 15 years ago the first ever iPhone was launched. Most construction projects last several years, and the content from these projects are often in circulation for more than a lifetime. By choosing an 8K camera solution, you are choosing to futureproof your work and a small investment in the scheme of the project value, and will win future projects for years to come.


Lobster Vision: Our World-Beating Time Lapse Viewing Platform

Not all time lapse viewers are created equal! At their most basic, the majority of professional monitored time lapse viewing platforms will allow the user to log in and view all the images captured of their project. However, we’ve spent years developing Lobster Vision, so that it delivers so much more. Read more here or try it out for yourself here.



Pioneering BIM Integration: Supporting Your Digital Construction Project

With Lobster Vision Building Information Modelling (BIM) integration - the first of its kind - you can view and share your model, accurately aligned with the high-resolution photographic record, from anywhere, helping you to achieve Level 2 or 3 BIM compliance on your construction project. Placing the model directly into the as-built record means you can compare the model from any camera angle, at any time in the past, and ‘fast forward’ to see how the building will look into the future. Try out a live BIM-enabled demo camera above.


The Lobster Pot vs. Sports Cameras


Lobster Pot

Lobster Pot cameras use professional-grade digital SLR cameras and lenses for the highest possible quality. The lenses we use have large sensors for better light collection, meaning your site is captured in more detail, for more hours of the day, and in better quality at night. The use of DSLR cameras also means zero distortion, day and night. Our cameras have been shooting automatically 24/7 for years, on high-profile construction and engineering projects from Beijing to Bolivia, so our clients know that they're getting the best possible results, anywhere in the world.


Sports Cameras 

Whilst the new generation of sports cameras is a good temporary option for some projects over a day - their reliability for long-term projects over a period of months, and the quality produces is nowhere near the standard our clients require.


Optimised for Any Device

Lobster Vision is our unique web interface, giving you unlimited access to your project. Ultra high definition photographs are captured and transmitted to our secure servers, where you can access them through your desktop, tablet or mobile.

Images can be embedded on your website, or saved for use in print, web or broadcast, and our high definition time lapse films are generated automatically, so you can have a new film online every week.


Works streamlessly, anywhere in the world

With secure cellular networking across 4G/5G, the Lobster Pot has recorded countless construction and engineering projects across a vast array of remote and challenging sites.